115+ Adjectives That Start With V (With Meanings & Examples)


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115+ Adjectives That Start With V (With Meanings & Examples)

Adjectives make language more vivid and expressive. They help describe people, places, emotions, and things in detail. Among them, adjectives that start with V add a unique flair to writing. Whether you need strong adjectives beginning with V to describe strength or positive words starting with V for uplifting messages, this guide has everything.

In this article, you’ll discover a list of adjectives that start with V, their meanings, and adjective examples with V to improve your vocabulary. Whether you need common adjectives that start with V or more rare adjectives beginning with V, this guide covers it all.

Common Adjectives That Start With V

Some adjectives are widely used in daily language. These words help describe actions, emotions, and situations clearly. Below is a list of adjectives that start with V that you’ll encounter often:

Adjective Meaning Example Sentence
Vibrant Full of life and energy “The city was vibrant with colors and lights.”
Valuable Worth a lot; important “Time is the most valuable resource.”
Vast Very large in size or extent “The vast ocean stretched beyond sight.”
Vigilant Watchful and alert “The security team remained vigilant all night.”
Versatile Able to do many things well “He is a versatile musician.”

These descriptive words with V help create strong imagery in writing. Using them correctly can make your sentences more powerful and clear.

Positive Adjectives That Start With V

Positive Adjectives That Start With V

Positive adjectives help convey good qualities and uplifting traits. These positive words starting with V are great for describing people, experiences, and emotions.

Adjective Meaning Example Sentence
Vibrant Full of energy and life “She has a vibrant personality that lights up the room.”
Valiant Brave and determined “The valiant firefighter saved the trapped family.”
Versatile Able to adapt to many situations “He’s a versatile actor who plays many roles well.”
Victorious Having won or succeeded “The team was victorious in the championship.”
Virtuous Showing high moral standards “She is a virtuous leader known for her honesty.”
Vigilant Watchful and alert “The vigilant guard ensured the building’s safety.”
Vivacious Lively and full of spirit “Her vivacious laughter filled the party with joy.”
Valuable Worth a lot; useful or important “Time is the most valuable resource we have.”
Venerable Worthy of great respect “The venerable professor inspired generations of students.”
Visionary Having creative and forward-thinking ideas “The visionary entrepreneur changed the tech industry.”
Vocal Expressing opinions freely “She is vocal about social justice issues.”
Vivifying Energizing and refreshing “The morning air was vivifying after the storm.”
Voluntary Done willingly, without force “He made a voluntary donation to the charity.”
Vigorous Strong, active, and full of energy “She gave a vigorous speech that inspired many.”
Valuable Having great worth or usefulness “His advice was incredibly valuable to the team.”

Using these powerful adjectives with V can make descriptions more engaging and inspiring.

Negative Adjectives That Start With V

Not all words have a positive meaning. Some negative adjectives that start with V describe unfavorable conditions, emotions, or characteristics.

Adjective Meaning Example Sentence
Vague Unclear or lacking detail “His instructions were too vague to understand.”
Vain Overly proud of oneself “He’s too vain to admit his mistakes.”
Vindictive Seeking revenge or harm “She had a vindictive attitude after the argument.”
Vexing Annoying or frustrating “His constant interruptions were vexing.”
Volatile Unstable or likely to change suddenly “Their relationship was volatile and full of arguments.”
Villainous Evil or wicked “The villainous character plotted against the hero.”
Venomous Full of malice or hate “Her venomous words hurt him deeply.”
Voracious Excessively greedy or insatiable “His voracious appetite made him eat everything.”
Vacuous Lacking intelligence or thought “His vacuous speech had no real meaning.”
Vile Extremely unpleasant or wicked “The crime was too vile to forgive.”
Verbose Using too many words, overly talkative “His verbose speech bored the audience.”
Vicious Violent and cruel “The dog was trained to be vicious.”
Vehement Strongly emotional, often angry “His vehement argument scared everyone.”
Vulgar Rude, offensive, or lacking taste “His vulgar jokes made people uncomfortable.”
Vacillating Indecisive, wavering between choices “His vacillating nature made decision-making hard.”

These words are useful when describing conflicts, emotions, and challenging situations.

Neutral Adjectives That Start With V

Neutral Adjectives That Start With V

Neutral adjectives that start with V describe characteristics, states, or qualities that are neither strongly positive nor negative. These adjectives can be used in various contexts without implying a strong emotion or judgment. They help in providing objective or descriptive details about a subject.

Adjective Meaning Example Sentence
Variable Likely to change or vary “The weather in this region is highly variable.”
Vacant Empty or unoccupied “The house has been vacant for years.”
Vast Extensive “The vast desert stretched for miles.”
Vertical Standing upright or at a right angle “The ladder must be in a vertical position.”
Viable Capable of working or succeeding “They found a viable solution to the problem.”
Vivid Producing clear and strong images “She has a vivid memory of her childhood.”
Vocal Speaking openly or loudly “He was very vocal about his political beliefs.”
Vacillating Hesitant or uncertain “The manager’s vacillating decisions confused the team.”
Vestigial Remaining as a small part of something once larger “The ancient ruins are vestigial reminders of the past.”
Versed Knowledgeable in a subject “She is well-versed in classical music.”
Vicarious Experienced through another’s actions “He got vicarious joy from his son’s success.”
Visceral Relating to deep, instinctive feelings “He had a visceral reaction to the shocking news.”
Voluminous Taking up much space; large “She wore a voluminous dress to the ball.”
Vectorial Relating to direction and magnitude “The scientist explained the vectorial forces in physics.”
Vestimentary Related to clothing or dress “The designer had a strong vestimentary sense.”

Descriptive Adjectives That Start With V

When you want to paint a clear picture in writing, descriptive words with V help. They enhance the details of your descriptions, making them more vivid.

Adjective Meaning Example
Vibrant Full of energy and life The city has a vibrant nightlife.
Velvety Smooth and soft She wore a velvety red dress.
Vast Extremely large or expansive The ocean seemed vast and endless.
Vivacious Lively, animated, and full of spirit Her vivacious personality lit up the room.
Viscous Thick and sticky in texture The syrup had a viscous consistency.
Voluminous Large in size or quantity She had voluminous curls in her hair.
Vexing Annoying or frustrating The delay was quite vexing.
Vital Essential or necessary Water is vital for survival.
Verdant Green and full of plant life The verdant valley was a beautiful sight.
Vague Unclear or lacking details His explanation was too vague to understand.
Venomous Poisonous or harmful The snake is highly venomous.
Virile Strong and full of energy He had a virile presence and confidence.
Venerated Highly respected or honored The professor is venerated in his field.
Volatile Unstable or unpredictable The stock market is highly volatile.
Violet Having a purple-blue color She painted her walls a soft violet shade.

Using these words makes descriptions richer and more detailed.

Personality Adjectives That Start With V

Personality Adjectives That Start With V

Personality adjectives that start with V describe a person’s character, behavior, or temperament. These adjectives help define how someone interacts with others, their attitudes, and their overall personality traits. They can be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on the context.

Adjective Meaning Example
Vibrant Full of energy and enthusiasm She has such a vibrant personality that everyone loves her.
Vivacious Lively, cheerful, and fun His vivacious nature makes him the life of the party.
Valiant Brave and courageous The valiant firefighter saved the child from the fire.
Versatile Able to adapt to different situations She’s a versatile leader who can handle any challenge.
Visionary Having strong foresight and imagination The company needs a visionary CEO to guide it forward.
Virtuous Morally good and ethical He is known for his virtuous character and honesty.
Vigilant Watchful and alert The security guard remained vigilant all night.
Vindictive Seeking revenge or holding grudges His vindictive nature made him difficult to trust.
Volatile Emotionally unpredictable She has a volatile temper that can change instantly.
Vain Excessively proud of appearance or achievements He’s too vain to admit when he’s wrong.
Vexing Annoying or frustrating His constant interruptions are quite vexing.
Verbose Talking too much, overly wordy The professor’s verbose lecture put everyone to sleep.
Valuable Worth a lot, either materially or emotionally She’s a valuable member of our team.
Venturous Willing to take risks and try new things His venturous spirit led him to explore the Amazon rainforest.
Virile Having strong energy and confidence The actor had a virile charm that captivated audiences.

Emotions Adjectives That Start With V

Emotion adjectives that start with V describe feelings, moods, and emotional states. These adjectives can express both positive and negative emotions, helping to convey a person’s mental or emotional condition more vividly.

Adjective Meaning Example
Vulnerable Feeling exposed or unprotected She felt vulnerable after sharing her secret.
Vexed Annoyed, irritated, or frustrated He was vexed by the constant delays.
Vivacious Cheerful, lively, and full of energy Her vivacious laughter filled the room.
Valiant Feeling courageous He made a valiant effort to overcome his fears.
Vindictive Having a strong desire for revenge His vindictive nature made him hold grudges.
Volatile Emotionally unstable or unpredictable His volatile mood swings made it hard to talk to him.
Vain Feeling excessively proud of oneself She felt vain after receiving so many compliments.
Vigilant Feeling cautious and watchful He remained vigilant in the unfamiliar neighborhood.
Vengeful Seeking revenge or payback His vengeful thoughts consumed him after the betrayal.
Valued Feeling appreciated or important She felt valued when her hard work was recognized.
Vibrant Feeling full of life and enthusiasm His vibrant energy made everyone feel happy.
Vacant Feeling empty or expressionless She stared with a vacant look after hearing the news.
Vehement Expressing strong emotions with intensity He was vehement in his argument against injustice.
Vanquished Feeling defeated or overcome He felt vanquished after losing the competition.
Victorious Feeling triumphant after success She felt victorious after completing the marathon.

Appearance Adjectives That Start With V

Appearance Adjectives That Start With V

Appearance adjectives that start with V describe how something or someone looks. These adjectives can refer to physical traits, textures, colors, or overall visual impressions. They help paint a clearer picture when describing people, objects, or landscapes.

Adjective Meaning Example
Vibrant Bright, striking, and full of energy Her vibrant dress made her stand out.
Velvety Soft and smooth, like velvet The rose petals had a velvety texture.
Voluptuous Full-figured, curvy, and attractive She had a voluptuous figure that turned heads.
Viscous Thick and sticky in texture The viscous gel coated his hands.
Vague Lacking sharpness or clarity The image in the fog was vague and unclear.
Variegated Marked with different colors or patterns The garden was full of variegated leaves.
Vital Looking full of life and health His vital appearance showed he was in great shape.
Vacant Lacking expression or emotion Her vacant stare showed she was lost in thought.
Venerable Having a dignified and respectable appearance The professor had a venerable look with his gray beard.
Volcanic Intense and fiery in appearance His volcanic eyes burned with passion.
Violet A shade of purple, often soft and attractive She wore a violet dress to the event.
Varnished Glossy and polished in texture The varnished wood table gleamed in the sunlight.
Veiled Partially hidden or covered Her veiled face added an air of mystery.
Vivid Intensely bright or clear The painting had vivid colors that popped.
Void Empty or lacking features His void expression revealed his sadness.

Rare & Advanced Adjectives That Start With V

Some adjectives are less commonly used but can make writing more sophisticated. Here are a few rare adjectives beginning with V:

Adjective Meaning Example
Vacuous Lacking intelligence or thought His vacuous expression showed he wasn’t paying attention.
Valorous Showing great courage and bravery The valorous knight defended the kingdom fearlessly.
Vapory Misty, hazy, or lacking substance The morning sky was vapory with a thin layer of fog.
Varicose Swollen or enlarged, often referring to veins He suffered from varicose veins in his legs.
Vatic Prophetic or visionary in nature The old man’s vatic words foretold great change.
Veliferous Bearing or having sails (nautical term) The veliferous ship moved swiftly with the strong winds.
Venal Corrupt or willing to be bribed The venal politician accepted money for favors.
Venose Full of veins or having a veiny appearance The venose leaves showed intricate vein patterns.
Vernacular Relating to the common language or style of a place The poet wrote in a vernacular style understood by all.
Verrucose Covered with warts or rough bumps The toad had verrucose skin, making it look ancient.
Vestigial A small, undeveloped remnant of something larger Whales have vestigial hind limbs from their ancestors.
Vexatious Causing annoyance, frustration, or distress His vexatious behavior irritated everyone in the room.
Vibrissal Relating to or resembling whiskers The cat’s vibrissal hairs helped it sense movement.
Vituperative Harshly abusive or bitter in speech His vituperative comments shocked the audience.
Volant Capable of flying or moving swiftly The volant eagle soared across the sky with ease.

These words are useful for poetry, literature, and academic writing.

V Adjectives That End With -ous

V Adjectives That End With -ous

Many adjectives ending in -ous have a unique sound and rhythm, making writing more expressive. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Vivacious – Full of life and energy
  • Vicious – Aggressive and cruel
  • Voracious – Eager to consume a lot of food or knowledge
  • Voluminous – Taking up a lot of space or having great volume
  • Vexatious – Causing irritation or annoyance

These words are useful in both creative and academic writing.

Example Sentences Using V Adjectives

To understand how these adjectives work, here are some adjective examples with V in sentences.

  • The vibrant festival was full of colors and music.
  • His valiant efforts helped save the company from failure.
  • The old book had a vestigial charm that made it special.
  • The voluminous dress flowed beautifully as she walked.
  • His vindictive nature made him hard to trust.


Adjectives that start with V add richness to language. From common adjectives that start with V to rare adjectives beginning with V, each word brings a unique touch. Using descriptive words with V can help improve writing, making it more engaging and expressive.


  1. YourDictionary: This resource offers a detailed list of adjectives beginning with ‘V’, including definitions and example sentences to illustrate their usage.
  2. Capitalize My Title: This site provides an extensive collection of adjectives that start with ‘V’, categorized into common and positive adjectives, each accompanied by definitions and examples.
  3. Impactful Ninja: This platform lists positive and impactful adjectives starting with ‘V’, complete with meanings and example sentences to enhance understanding.

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